Thursday, July 31, 2014

Straight from Emma's mouth!

Like I promised, here's Emma's blog entry about Wondermare!
(disclaimer, for whatever reason the formatting is a bit off, plus some of the pictures are sideways and even when I fix them on my computer and load them, THEYRE STILL SIDEWAYS. I HATE YOU BLOGGER)

"Well, today marks five weeks with Miss Isis. Jackie asked me a few weeks ago if I could whip up a blog post about our adventures thus far so here it is, fellow Wondermare groupies!

Let me start out by saying how much I miss my beloved Isabelle. As Jackie mentioned, Izzy sustained some tendon and ligament injuries a few months back and is currently rehabbing on a friend’s pasture. Once she’s recovered she should be sound for 2’6 – 2’9 and below. I know she’ll make someone a super fun low-level jumper! But anyways, when the vet told me Miss Izzy needed a good chunk of time off, I was devastated and feared I’d be without a rideable horse for the foreseeable future. That’s when the horsey gods smiled down and presented me with Jackie and Miss Isis.

I had noticed Isis’ sale ad and was very interested in her while searching for my first horse last spring. For whatever reason, Izzy caught my eye and won my heart, but I could tell that Isis was a special mare. So when I stumbled upon her ad again a couple months ago while perusing various horse sale websites (because c’mon, MUST BUY ALL THE PONIES), I was super excited. That’s when I friended Jackie on Facebook and asked if she was still interested in leasing Isis while she recovered from her ankle surgery (PS YAY Jackie’s out of the boot now woot woot!).

It sounds cliché and uber cheesy, but when I test drove Isis I felt like we clicked really well right off the bat, even better than Izzy and I did on our first ride. It took us a little while to get an idea of how each other operated, but after some moody mare moments, some frustration on my part, and some wise words of encouragement from Jackie, everything started to come together and it was quite magical.  Isis even jumped 3’+ at the end of our test ride after virtually having five months off – ummm yeah, she’s awesome. Aside from her mad ups, she had the sweetest in-your-pocket personality that I immediately fell in love with. Needless to say, I was sold.

Talk about dem verticals!

Our first few weeks together were spent getting to know each other. Hell, we’re still getting to know each other, but we make great strides on the daily (no pun intended… Okay, maybe intended). I learned that she responds the best to a deep seat. Miss Izzy rides so well with me up off of her in a constant half-seat, so the deep seat has taken some getting used to. I’ve also learned that her bottom lip hangs down and droops when she’s sleepy – hehe, so adorable and fun to play with (been meaning to snap a pic). Isis also found herself a boyfriend her very first night at the new barn. So proud! She settled in incredibly well.

 Isis and the new beau, Tundra. So adorbs, right?!

Two weeks ago on the 13th, I took Isis to a local schooling show. We competed in the 2’6, 2’9, and 3’ jumpers and she snatched up the blue in each class! I couldn’t have been more proud. Not only was she a superstar in the show ring, but she was calm and collected on the ground at a place she had never been before in her life. Lots of ponies galloping around, tons of small children running here and there, yet maremare remained supa chill amongst the craziness and even fell asleep tied to the trailer. She loaded and unloaded like a dream. Props maremare (and momma Jackie for training her to be so perfect!!!), props.

Someone cleans up nicely ;)

When I looked at the remainder of this season’s show schedule and noticed the Queeny Park mini event in early September, I decided we would shoot to run Novice and make it a goal to go to the event. But as you all know, the crazy dressage higher ups frown upon hackamores, so this meant we had to get Isis in some form of bit in the next few months. So the Thursday before last, we took the plunge and decided to stick a Happy Mouth straight bar in her mouth. I didn’t know what to expect, so I strapped on my XC vest (just incase ;)) and hopped aboard.

                            First time in the bit – obviously totally thrilled.

We walked for a little while, inserting circles here and there to make sure we could turn before trotting. Then we trotted. Then we cantered. Then we asked for collection and frame. Isis was a rock solid citizen and accepted the bit like a champ. I asked a lot of her that day and she delivered. Things were looking up!

Success in the bit on the flat and on the trails (Isis is quite the trail blazer, btw)

After a few days of flatting with the Happy Mouth, we had our weekly jumping lesson. I tossed the hackamore back on her since she’s always been so soft in it over fences. Not that night. She protested and fussed when even the slightest amount of leverage was applied. Not gonna lie, I had a mini mental panic attack. Had I totally effed up Jackie’s horse by putting the bit back in her mouth? Unable to think of a better option, I dismounted and ran up to the barn to grab the bit. I hadn’t planned on jumping her in it for a while, but figured it was worth a shot. It was like her whole demeanor changed! No more head tossing, no more pissy mare moments. We finished out the lesson in the bit and haven’t gone back to the hackamore since.

While Jackie was in town for her doctor’s appointment today, she made a trip out to the barn to see miss mare and give us a little dressage lesson. Jackie’s instruction was incredibly helpful as I know little to nothing about dressage (flying over random objects is just so much more fun, sorry not sorry). Isis leg yielded and side passed like the straight up dressage queen Jackie has trained her to be.  She so fancy!

After five weeks with the Wondermare, I couldn’t be any more pleased with our progress together. Isis is a special mare, ladies and gents. Jackie has obviously spent the better part of the past two years working her ass off to make this horse the horse she is today, and it shows. Sure, we’re working on some fine-tuning and getting her back in shape, but the groundwork is all already there. Jackie has already so skillfully installed all the right buttons, making my job a whole lot easier. I just love this mare, and I’m super stoked to see what the future holds for us. Until next time!"


  1. Too fun!! Glad you guys found such a great situation.

  2. So happy to hear this is working out well for everyone!

  3. That grumpy cat mem doh

    also I had no idea she was going hackamore-less now. Props!
