Sunday, August 17, 2014

Isis Hulks out/my life be like..

I'm sorry I've been absent for so long, like I said in my last blog, I DON'T DO ANYTHING.

My life up until last week..

So as some of you may know, I'm starting a new job. I was waiting for my background check to get completed and I randomly get a call on Wednesday and they're like, hello, you have a job, you can either come for training on Sunday or at the end of the month. I was like, I'LL COME ON SUNDAY BECAUSE MONEY. 
Seriously though, going from just kinda messing around wearing sweatpants and watching netflix to wearing business clothes and listening to lectures is absolutely freaking horrible. Like, every day I thought I was going to die. I had to fly to Washington, D.C. for my training and I met a ton of awesome people and it was actually really fun. I think we drank approximately 15 cups of coffee every day and I was on a constant caffeine high.

During the training process everyone was talking about all their accomplishments and I'm just sitting there like...
You're welcome.

So training was super boring but also incredibly interesting and made me so excited for work! I got back from training on Friday after being in the airport for like 15 hours. I ate insane amounts of Qdoba and queso to keep myself awake and felt like a giant fat-ass because I was all like GUACAMOLE PLEASE and the chick working was all like, uh that's extra.

And now I've decided I'm going to buy this shirt and wear it every single freaking day for the rest of my life. EVERYONE KNOWS IT'S EXTRA!!!

Anyway, so that's what is happening in my life right now, I know, mega boring. Now onto my darling wondermare Isis!
Emma has, of course, been taking great care of her. Emma has been jumping miss mare in the happy mouth bit and Isis seems to be going absolutely wonderfully in it! She ended up going to a horse show a couple of weekends ago (I have zero perception of time) and KILLED IT again! She even went a little bigger this time height wise and did a great job! 


Mega blurry, 3foot jumpers! Look at my marebutt!

Scope for days.

I was watching the videos Emma posted and I was so absolutely proud of my mare (and Emma of course)! Emma was wise beyond her riding years and really sat back and helped Isis rock back on her hind end and get her set up properly for the fences, they are really starting to get each other. Emma's mare Izzy rides really well in a constant half seat so it has been a learning process for Emma to sit down to the fences. 
Miss Isis was a freaking rockstar for Emma, she even made smart decisions if Emma and her disagreed on distances, mare mare was careful and totally helped to take care of Emma. It was so adorable to watch and I had a big twinge of jealousy watching her work so well with my princess.

So cute little knees.

She totally doesn't have any scope.. (3'3)

stretchy long mare butt.


They ended up getting first or second in every single class they rode in! How awesome is that?! They even had to compete against one of the local trainers who has horses imported from all over the world and she rode her big jumper mare against Miss Isis and Emma and they held their own, getting second in the class. I had a major proud mama moment when the woman who ran the show (I catch rode for her a few years ago) messaged me saying my mare was an absolute rockstar! She said she remembered seeing the first videos of her and says she can tell how much work I put into her! Yay!
Emma's super supportive boyfriend went with her to the show and had some majorly adorable cuddling moments with Isis.

How precious..

Did I ever mention how sweet and gentle Isis is? 

I got a couple funny pictures of Isis from Emma, my favorite was the floppy lip one (Isis lets her lower lip flop around when she is relaxed and she purses it when she's thinking or working hard- THE CUTEST) but of course it was a snapchat and I was so overjoyed seeing my mare that I didn't screenshot it. The other one Emma posted was of miss mare after getting her dewormer.

She used to do this every time I wormed her for the first year I owned her haha

I haven't heard much about how Isis is doing besides the occasional post or pictures, which is just fine. I just miss that silly face so much. The most recent round of pictures Emma posted ISIS LOOKS LIKE A BEAST. She is absolutely muscled up! I'm always skeptical that Isis is an appendix instead of a thoroughbred because when she bulks up she looks like a freaking bulldozer.


hulk horse forgot how to jump. (Look at her ridiculous ears)

Fail Sunday? haha, The look of terror on Anne's (the woman in the blue) face is absolutely the best thing ever.

gorg. grumpy face and giant hulk body.

On a completely unrelated side note that has nothing to do with me, my friend Lily went to a big giant horse show last weekend and fell off at the first jump of her jump off. She is just fine, the picture is absolutely the best thing I have ever seen before in my life.


So, that's it bloggers, that's everything up until now. I start work tomorrow and I'll hopefully continue to have more pictures of wondermare to keep everyone interested. I'm thinking at the beginning of next month I might start taking some riding lessons but without stirrups? I'm not sure if that's allowed but I'm starting to lose my mind! I miss horses so much, especially mine. 
I still have a travel hangover and once I start working my real job I'm gonna be on a constant caffeine diet and probably going to die. So for the rest of the day I will not be leaving my bed.

until next time. 


  1. OMG coffee unicorn is the best. And love all the photos of your mare!!

  2. I am fucking crying. I love you. I love hulk Isis.
