Friday, July 25, 2014

I promise i'm not a bitch..

I've had a grumpy week in regards to my horse and I will get into that and make you all hate me, BUT FIRST, I wanna say just how appreciative I am of Emma. It was one of the luckiest thing to ever happen to me, honestly. To find someone as driven and gentle as her was phenomenal for Isis, it was all I wanted for her. I didn't want to sell Isis, not a single bit, but I had come to the conclusion that I needed to and here comes Emma, ready to lease. She's still learning, but she hasn't been riding for 20 years. She is one of the most dedicated riders I have ever met and I really couldn't be happier with Isis being in her hands. That mare is something special and she deserves someone who will understand that until I can ride her again.

And now I rant.

Now lovely bloggers, I have been working with Isis for 2 years. She was an absolute wreck when I got her, rearing, crow hopping, bucking, grumpy, rushing, angry, literally everything you don't want. Don't ask me for a real reason why I bought her, because I don't know. I looked into her big brown eyes and saw an absolutely terrified horse and I bought her. I don't regret it, one bit, but I used to.

Isis was almost dangerous. I said it, I mean it. She was ALMOST dangerous (in reality she probably was considered dangerous, when a horse rears and falls over on you I think they get that tag). She would go from calm collected canter to a huge rear in one stride with on warning. I didn't know what I was in for and for the first 2 months I worked with her I didn't listen to her and I kicked and pushed my way into an even more terrified horse. If you read her back story you know she reared and fell over on me, that's when everything changed, blah, blah, blah.

ANYWAY, I worked my ASS off with that horse. I dealt with her crow hops, her running to fences and her horrible grumpy dressage. I lunged and I went to basics and I stopped jumping and I did everything a good trainer would do. I didn't push her, I didn't push anything, we went slow and steady and we took our time. Finally she became this beautiful creature, she still had her issues but she wasn't afraid, she was brave! She jumped and did flying changes and took everything in stride. She schooled huge cross country fences and went to shows and jumped 3'9 at home!

Now, like I said, I love Emma and I love how well she is working with Isis but everyone (who hasn't seen Isis before or hasn't seen her recently) is talking about how great Emma is with this mare and how great she looks and blah, blah. Yes, she does look great with Emma, but Emma didn't train this horse from nothing.
Even one of my friends is talking about how great Isis is with Emma and I'm like, you know why? Because I TRAINED HER THAT WAY. UGHHHHHH
I literally might strangle the next person who talks about how happy Isis looks. Was she not happy with me? Is that what you're trying to say lovely assholes? She is so awesome! I never knew that mare was so awesome! SHE'S BEEN THAT AWESOME FOR A YEAR, I JUST DON'T HAVE MONEY TO SHOW AND NONE OF YOU BOARD AT MY BARN OR WATCH ME RIDE.

Okay, I'm done with that rant.
Emma is home this weekend and said she might have time to write up a blog about miss marebutt, so hopefully you will have that to look forward to. I have my doctors appointment on tuesday and will be giving Emma and Isis a 'dressage' lesson. WOOPPPP. DRESSAGE SKILLZ.

Sorry my computer is acting up like crazy and I have zero pictures, zero. murder blogger, murder.


  1. It is frustrating when someone else gets all the accolades. I guess I solve that by just never going out in public.
